2 replies


Sure awesome! Let me know.

Our engine runs on CUDA with OpenGL interop to render to the framebuffer. SLI won't work in this scenario and you'd have to manually turn in off for "playengine.exe" in the NVIDIA control panel. We spoke to NVIDIA about this a while ago and they said there is no way for an application to hint this to the driver.

The good news: We are working on a CUDA multi-GPU version. This will utilize your two GPUs by letting one do all the heavy lifting on evaluation all the volumes and the other one render the two eyes for your HMD. 

Would be great if you're up to helping us test this once we launch the feature.


I am running 3-way SLI all 980 gtx's will this work for me as well?


Yes having crashes right now. Cannot connect objects other than the line tool without a crash. cannot use avatar editor without crash. cannot remove or interact with objects ie sculpt into /on them. Reinstalled and deleted all files still crashes. trying to make a vid on the program but it crashes when i get to sculpting. i will upload my files to you