Huge performance drop only have 6 different objects. FPS drop very significant

Huge performance drop only have 6 different objects. FPS drop very significant. They are not connected. I usually can stream in 1080 p with many objects with no problems. After hot fix it seems to choke out. TY!

1 reply

Still working on tracking this down. Things have been extremely weird since the last SteamVR update. Sometimes (not related to Unbound) in the basic SteamVR background room, we saw that one eye not rendering, HMD tracking getting lost as soon as you turn on controllers, etc. Since we don't use Unity (or the like) and have our own engine, perhaps we hit an edge case that wasn't tested by Valve also.

Please stay tuned. Hopefully in the next 1-2 days we will have this resolved.


NOT A PROBLEM NOW. But now library crash is back Nooooo. Cannot play at all. Or at least cannot load a model from my library.