Library crash returns.

Library crashes program to desktop cannot even browse just started on 2/23 never had this issue before. But performance is back up and running smoothly.

4 replies


Here is my entire zipped library - Crashed the library again at 11 pmĀ  XD - Most recent file the is the culprit again ( and a pretty awesome model).


Daniel- We found the bug. Fix is going into the next release. Good news is that nothing is lost in the file. It just doesn't load.

Sorry for the troubles!

Glad to hear. The quick loading still needs a bit of work, so would definitely appreciate if you share that file. But up to you. We can probably fix things without this test case.



Hmm. Could you zip up your whole library and attach it here? c:\users\[yourname]\Documents\PlayEngine\Models\*

It probably has to do with one of the saved models and that way we can debug it.

If you do not want to share the whole thing for any reason, you could try and move each individual file (most recent first) out of that directory and check if it still crashes. Once you found the file, please share it with us.


Ok found the culprit! TY works great again. I saved it when i had two huge models I was only trying to photograph:because i save a lot. TY TEAM